We love puppies! Although who doesn’t love puppies?!
Socialization of puppies is very important. But if not done carefully, it may end up scaring or overwhelming them. We are mindful of the puppies in our care and that too much stimulation can have a negative effect. This is why we handle puppies differently.
We consider a puppy to be any dog under 1 year old. When we work with puppies, we want to move them into our adult dog play groups as their maturity and confidence allows it. We follow your dog’s cues and won’t rush it. Our goal is to help build their confidence, creating a well balanced puppy that will enjoy socializing with other dogs for many years to come.
Puppies who are in daycare or boarding are given one-on-one playtime with another puppy or adult dog that is a good balanced player. They get a 30 minute pup play in the AM and PM. It is important for puppies to get plenty of rest and downtime. Bad habits can be created when they are overtired and/or overstimulated.
Around 4-6 months we begin integrating them into our adult dog play group. We do this slowly, based on how well they are handling everything. They continue to get their one-on-one play with another dog until they are able to be full participants in our adult dog play group. This typically happens around 7-8 months, but all puppies develop differently.
Rates for puppies are the same as our regular rates for boarding and daycare.
Puppies can join us as early as 3 months, as long as they have had 2 rounds of the distemper combination vaccination. It is important that you stay on track with the vaccinations your vet recommends and continue to update your records with us.
Until they are ready, we keep them in the “front of house” during downtime where there is less stimulation.
We potty puppies every 2-4 hours, depending on age and potty progress.
We can feed up to three meals per day if needed. Please bring your own food.